In between the waves of rain, brief interludes of sun and blue sky deceived me into thinking it was over. The longest window opened while we were eating lunch. I saw dragonflies and swallowtails - black and tiger. But I didn't get pictures. Hummers warred over the feeder.

When I went out later, I could see that the next wave of rain had diluted the sugar water, so I took the feeder in. A hummer buzzed through, saw it was missing, and zoomed off.
I saw a little green grasshopper nymph in the mulch. A duskywing fed on the mint. I rescued a spider and saw a snail exploring the edge of the pool. The mosquitoes were thick and the dragonflies had given up. The orange dog caterpillar had moved and had eaten a stalk of rue. Small moths clung to the windows and a slug climbed the glass.
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