Morning was fairly sunny but clouds lined the horizon. The hummers drank and chased each other. Titmice snatched seeds and squabbled. Dragonflies were perched when I got home at mid day.

A yellow crowned night heron down by the dam outfall held its wings in the overheated pose. Thermometers claimed 90 or more. A black swallowtail and a nearly black duskywing flitted around.

In the afternoon, dark clouds closed in, the light level dropped, and the day grew breathless. That's when I finally got in the pool. While fishing out leaves and beetles and such, I found another frog floating, dead alas. I don't know if the pool chemicals did it or if they had something else wrong, but they didn't drown. However, the thunderstorm broke while I was still in the water and I had to scramble to get the camera under cover. The rain wasn't too hard at first, but a deluge followed and flooded all the ditches. I wondered what condition Norfolk would be in, but it was dry there.The clouds brought night on early. Rainfall for the month and year is above "normal," again.
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