I slept in and it was raining when I got up. K had swapped out the hummer feeder and one was sucking up the fresh nectar. It chased another and spent some time preening.

Around noon the rain moved off to the Northeast and sunshine returned. So did titmice, butterflies, and dragonflies. Spittlebugs made the mint look nasty. I saw a bar-winged skimmer, a black swallowtail, a snout, and a
silver-spotted skipper.

An argiope hung in its web in the spartina. A four-spotted pennant monitored the creek from a dead saltbush branch.

Dark clouds returned in the late afternoon. I rescued a little green frog from the skimmer and two green tiger beetles from their rafts. The beetles were too lively to pose but the frog seemed traumatized. It did disappear while I saw occupied with the beetles.

Later on the rue, I saw the orange dog move so it was definitely alive.
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