The windows were fogged again, but I didn't want to disturb the spiderweb. It was pretty much wrecked and had only caught small stuff, unless something tore loose. I thought I saw a wren through the condensation. As it began to vaporize, I did see the goldfinch.
The hummer feeder was dry, preferable to moldy, so K swapped it out, after I had boiled up a new batch of sugar water. I sped up the cooling by setting the container in a water bath in the sink. I wonder if that will affect its storage. At any rate, the hummers were satisfied enough to fight over it. A cicada killer banged on the window.

A variegated fritillary took an interest in the violet leaves, also the morning glory leaves,
and the cement. I saw a few dragonflies, just blue dashers and slaty skimmers. A little blue tailed skink slipped past me. So did monarchs. That motivated me to take my gift card to the nursery where I bought a butterfly weed plant. I also picked up a fancy hens&chickens because I misunderstood K, and a creeping thyme for the gnarled branch I'm turning into a planter. It was very hot at the garden center though clouds and a breeze helped. I saw more monarchs there

A duskywing was fluttering around the rosemary when I headed to the pool. It looked like one argiope had caught a fish but it was probably just a silk-wrapped bug. A yellow crowned night heron was hunting on the mud at low tide.
Well after dark something hit the window and I got a glimpse of wings. I think it may have been an owl.
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