It was misting int the morning and everything was still wet. A hummer noticed right away that the feeder was back, A snowy egret poked around the dam outfall as they do after every hard rain.

While we ate lunch, a raggedy bluebird came for mealworms. Unfortunately they were afloat in rainwater. After the bird flew off in disgust I emptied the dish and put some new mealworms in it.

In the pool, I evicted two frogs. A great egret rested on the dock. I saw a green pondhawk but by the time I grabbed the camera (which was inside in case of rain) it had disappeared. A blue mud wasp looked very elgant as it poked through the mulch. A tiny ant carried a big white sail-like object past the wasp. Other wasps were busy pollinating.
I went to a vigil for the Charlottesville victims. It was in the park south of town center, where I had not previously set foot. The city did a good job with interpretive signs and interesting plantings. I saw a red russela toadstool among cypress knees at the edge of the retention pond. It was very humid.

When I came home from the vigil, I saw a male widow skimmer in the front yard but it flew over the house and never reappeared. The hummer was still feeding. The snowy was back at the dam, joined by a yellow crowned night heron. The sky began to clear even as sunset colored the clouds.
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