A dove showed up at breakfast. So did the first morning glory flower. The most bedraggled, molting hummingbird bossed the feeder. She was annoyed by silly titmice.

I went swimming before lunch under a hot sun with the sky so blue it seemed ultraviolet. I fished a green caterpillar out of the water. A common whitetail posed on the patio. A small skink clung to the brick wall. A blue dasher perched on the bamboo stake.

After lunch a black swallowtail egged the rue. A large
Scolia dubia wasp fed on the mint flowers. The blue dasher moved up into the trees. Meanwhile threatening clouds moved in. I was focusing on a hibiscus bud when I realized that one sepal was a katydid nymph. A slaty skimmer perched on a dead twig in the spartina. A hummer landed in the hibiscus but departed before I'd adjusted focus. It ran straight into the molting mama and they had it out by the camellia. I think the ragtag one won.

Then a bird call drew my attention up, and there was a Cooper's hawk sitting in the oak. It too looked a bit worse for wear. The sky cleared quickly after 6pm. A long tailed bird caught a bug up in a pine. I finally found the argiope but by then the light was going.
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