Monday, July 14, 2014

Busy birds

The regulars came and a house wren sang from the top of the hummer feeder hanger.  Fast moving dragonflies banged on the window. 

The female hummer made repeated visits. In the afternoon, a yellow crowned night heron stood around on the dock.  A female widow skimmer cruised low over the grass while a male blue dasher used the perch.  Cumulus clouds sailed out of the WSW but no thunderstorm materialized. 

Hummer warz have begun - I saw one chase another off the feeder.  But before that, a hummer plopped down on the feeder and it spun under her like a little merry-go-round.  A titmouse also came to the feeder and I saw both a male goldfinch and a bluejay streak through air above the yard.  A dragonfly zoomed back and forth till it was like I was watching a tennis match.  I never got a good look at it.  I did see a small robber fly on the concrete.  A fox cub visited the patio and was disappointed to find the birdbath dry. 

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