Thursday, July 31, 2014

Goodbye, July

The sky is a hazy blue and warmer today.  Early birds included a hummer, titmice, a towhee, a male goldfinch, and the regulars.  The goldfinch has found the other sunflower that successfully made seed, but is hidden behind the morning glory vines.  I discovered another click beetle, this time on the stove.  The link said the larva are "wireworms" and I realized I've seen them and thought they were millipedes. 

While I was shucking corn for lunch, a male towhee landed on the feeder but I apparently made it too anxious to stay.  Then a dragonfly tried to land on the railing and slid off.  Hummers and goldfinches came during lunch.

Later in the afternoon, I saw the male goldfinch singing up in the oak.  Swifts swooped and chattered against a background of cumulus.  By 5pm, the sky was white and the sun glowed rather than shone.  The creek was busy with herons, both little green and yellow crowned.  One green buzzed another and later one perched in the top of the gum.  Kayakers startled an egret.  There were dragonflies zooming but none perched.  It was on the cool side and humid with only a light breeze to keep the bugs off. 

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