Thursday, July 28, 2016

Hazy and hot

A little rain must have fallen overnight and condensation blurred the windows at breakfast but it was already hot.  A hummer fed at breakfast.  The yellow crowned night heron was back on the rocks below the dam.  An egret fished along the bulkhead across the creek.  Two yellow crowned night herons flew upstream and a little later back down again.  Then one came back and perched in the pine beside the dock.

I saw a fiery skipper on the mealworm hanger of all places.  I rescued a robber fly, a green June beetle, a leafhopper, a bristletail, a caterpillar, and a sidewalk tiger beetle from the water.  I think the caterpillar, the leafhopper, and the robber fly were too far gone.  I also noticed that iridescent pieces of beetle exoskeleton and dragonfly heads had apparently been discarded.  A few dragonflies were on patrol, including a saddlebags. 

Birds flocked to the blueberries.  I saw robins and a blue jay for certain, and I think starlings and grackles, and possibly a mockingbird.  They paid no attention to my floating head but I couldn't take pictures like that.  The male goldfinch tore into the zinnias.  Crows were everywhere.  Hummer(s) visited flowers as well as the feeder.

Dark clouds boiled up around mid afternoon and there was a little lightning and thunder.  The tide was high when a yellow crowned night heron stalked along the spartina when I got back from my meeting. Finally, as we ate supper, a sprinkle of rain fell.  The sun shone the whole time as it was low in the West.I hoped for a rainbow, but couldn't see any. 

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