Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Warm enough

At breakfast an egret and a goose stared at each other across the dam outfall.  Doves behaved oddly at lunch, as though they were anting, but in the mulch where I don't think there were ants.  Lots of bees and wasps of all sorts were around.  I saw a ladybug on the rue.  I also saw a tiger swallowtail and a lot of dragonflies.  They never landed, but one had a red body and another bigger one had pale amber tinted wings. 

An osprey sailed overhead.  A mysterious duck with a dark head, pale bill, white chest, and reddish brown body was hanging around with a mallard pair.  A brown thrasher was much in evidence.  It serenaded me from high in the oak and confused the other birds.  One of the confused was a great crested flycatcher.  Some swallows zipped overhead after insects.  A night heron hung around the dock. 

The pool was only 70°F but I got in.  And that was a good thing for a blue tailed skink clinging to the molding around the steps. I saw another skink in the mulch. 

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