Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Hot again

I sprayed neem oil on the rose and the hibiscus because I was getting annoyed with the Japanese beetles eating the flowers.  I hope it didn't bother the spider.  A crane fly spread out on the screen.  The female as well as the male cardinal lost her head feathers.  A pair of finches reappeared.  When I left home, I noticed that I could see the very top of the pine and a Halloween pennant was perched there. 

A couple of wrens flitted around in the trees, singing and fussing.  What I think was a chickadee acted very much like a nuthatch hopping up the cherry trunk.  I pished at it and it came closer but not where I could get a clear view.  There were lots of ripe cherries so I'm puzzled why there weren't more birds eating them.  The male hummingbird came back, but the feeder was in shade by then, and when I aimed the camera he flew off. 

A saddlebags and a 12-spot cruised over me while a slaty watched from a perch.  Blue dashers found their own spots to perch.  A bar winged skimmer clung to the dead twig at the top of the oak.  A male widow skimmerr joined the slaty skimer on the bamboo stick. 

Thread waisted wasps were mating on the mountain mint again.  A Japanese beetle was entrapped by the ant moat. I rescued another baby skink but it ran off before I got back with the camera.  A monarch fluttered over me, but it did not go to the milkweed.  Right after I came inside, a cloudless sulphur flew past the door. 

We passed under a dark cloud and got a few sprinkles of rain on the way to Norfolk.  It was still light when we came home and the earlier clouds were golden and rose.  The half moon was visible overhead.

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