Monday, July 29, 2019

So many figs

The hummers were hungry and territorial. Finally I saw a juvenile cardinal. It was closely supervised by mom, but it wasn't begging. 

A sizable robber fly wanted to come inside, but I didn't let it.  We had corn on the cob and while two of the four ears had worms, another had corn smut,  I haven't seen corn smut in half a century, except when it was on the menu in Mexico.

Cumulus clouds rolled through in the afternoon, giving occasional relief from the sun.  Three turtles and an egret were out on the lake.  Occasionally a skinklet ran across the patio.  I picked figs till I was hot and sticky and there were still so many more.

A couple of threadwaisted wasps demonstrated that mating was not all that easy. A paper wasp wanted a way into the hummer juice.   I speculated that the big moth dinner had caused the Argiope to molt and that is was hiding till its new skin was ready for public exposure. 

A Needham's skimmer used the perch I moved so I could see it from the window.  A blue dasher used the dead twigs by the  creek. A slaty simmer replaced the Needham's when the perch became shaded.  A four spotted pennant used the redwood for a perch, possibly because the pine candles opened into individual needles.  Another slaty skimmer used the bark butter hanger. 

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