Monday, August 5, 2019


There were sprinkles in the morning and a shower in the evening and air too humid for surfaces to dry.  A swallow flew over chittering as it snatched insects, but dragonflies were scarce.  The wasps were in the usual abundance on the mint. A fat bumblebee showed up. Despite the damp overcast I saw an assortment of butterflies.  First a red admiral, then a hairstreak, a fiery skipper, and a monarch, but only the hairstreak held still for a photo. There was a  lot of debris in the water but few critters needing rescue.  I did fish out another mama spider. 

Titmice were everywhere at breakfast.  The hummer feeder had flooded but K hung fresh juice for them to fight over.  One poor hummer was too twitchy to perch.  A Carolina wren was disappointed with the soggy bark butter.  I drained the rainwater off afterward.  A blue jay also had designs on the bark butter.  Then a house wren visited. It seemed to be impressed by the hummer's hovering.  Following that, a pine warbler came to lunch. 

I saw an egret and a heron on the lake, but a yellow crowned night heron preferred our shoreline and its abundant crabs.  There were dramatic cloud formations when I left for my meeting but on the way home just a featureless overcast and drizzle.  Then I spotted a streak of pink sunset behind the cargo cranes on the Lafayette. 

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