Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Rainy mist

I was up before sunrise, though I never saw the sun.  The clouds colored up briefly.  When the meeting finished, there was sunshine in Norfolk but I passed through a rain band on the way home and an other seemed stuck over our house.  It was warm enough but very damp and the wind was chilly.  The hummers drank the feeder dry despite one of them sitting on the feeder hanger guarding the sugar water.

I found a large cicada in the water, but I suspect it was already dead when it fell in.  A skink was on the top step of the pool ladder but that was slightly under water so I felt the need to rescue the lizard.  I managed to flip it out with a stick because it was cold and tired.

The little brown mantis looked like it was shrinking.  I hope it is finding enough food.  It was very well camouflaged but I haven't seen insects visit the roses. The great golden digger wasp was back at the butterfly milkweed but many of the wasps and bees were missing.  Whatever attacked the mountain mint caused it to quit flowering.  I glimpsed a dark butterfly, but no others. 

The tide was very high again but there are still three nights before the new moon.  The juvenile night heron was back on the dock.  A mallard pair, the drake in eclipse, trudged along the shore.  Crows harassed an osprey into flight. 

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