Yesterday's precipitation froze in the birdbath. The creek was open and placid. A wren scouted for food before the sun was up. Juncos were out in force. Chickadees and finches joined them on the feeder, and sparrows on the ground. We were gone a lot of the day.

I think I saw a hawk but all I got was a blur with a long tail. I also saw a stubby-looking heron follow a great blue flying upstream, possibly a night heron. Geese, mallards, hooded mergansers, and buffleheads paddled on the creek. Egrets flew over.
The downy woodpeckers came later and the female refused to wait for the male to finish. First a pine warbler, then a different warbler appeared. A white throated sparrow lurked in the cedar but was in too much shadow for the camera.
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