The sky was a glorious blue. The creek began with reflective quiet but soon the current took over. I saw a great blackback gull circle over the bend below the dam. It was at least twice the size of other gulls. A pelican and a heron passed through without stopping. The hawk came back and today the crows harassed it.

Cold as it was, I saw honeybees on the rosemary. The wretched cat was birdwatching again. I discovered the workmen had not turned the hose bib off and the birds were having a fine time in the escaping spray. Grrrr. At least two titmice visited. The way they kept looking around when on the suet cage made me think of guilty fast food binges. K said I'm giving them high cholesterol. The downy pair were back with less fussing today. The Carolina wren went for suet as well since I didn't put out any mealworms. Song and white throated sparrows poked through the mulch after their shower got cut off.

After lunch the feeders became very popular. The warblers, pine and butterbutt, came back and a white breasted nuthatch appeared. The courting squirrels were all over the trees till the female went up the feeder post and the male lost interest. The doves came very late to the party.
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