The creek was iced and the ground crystallized. I poured hot water in the birdbath and it froze. I was away most of the morning, under a blue sky with an icy wind. A heron waited above the bulkhead for the creek to melt. Downy woodpeckers, Carolina wrens, a dove, song and white throated sparrows were hungry.

When I got home, the current had cleared the ice under the bulkhead and that narrow strip of open water was crowded with ducks and a heron. Low tide made it even narrower. Egrets congregated below the dam. A flock of geese sunned themselves on the grass above the bulkhead. The feeders were busy as well as the mulch where seeds fall and the
rosemary where I scattered mealworms. Juncos and a butterbutt joined
the regulars.

After lunch, the pine warbler came for suet. When I got home in the late afternoon, the yellow rumped warbler was trying to share with a downy woodpecker. Sparrows were still foraging. Open water on the creek had grown but there was still ice on our side. Ducks were out in the water but the low sun's glare left me uncertain of their identity.
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