Sunrise tinted the underside of the overcast. Birds were up early before there was enough light to take photos. A female red bellied woodpecker found the suet. The yellow rumped warblers continued to fight, but not with the woodpecker. A couple of Carolina wrens also visited the suet, and briefly, a couple of pine warblers. The warbler was not successful at intimidating the wrens. A titmouse came for a seed and a goldfinch looked at the feeders. On the ground, a handful of juncos joined the song and white throated sparrows. And then the tuxedo cat frightened them all off.
A spritz of rain hit the window around 8:30am. A pelican cruised over the creek and a great blue heron flew North. A couple of buffleheads were out on the water. Eventually the downy woodpeckers arrived. Doves landed on the patio.

The rain stopped after lunch. A brown headed nuthatch visited and was chased away by the warbler, which then bathed. I saw some more buffleheads a long way off. Most of the morning visitors returned, along with the regulars. The sky cleared and there was actual sunshine in the late afternoon.
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