It was just overcast and windy at breakfast. The rain began around 9am and it turned to snow after 11. The clumped flakes looked huge as they blew in from the Northeast. The snow melted as it touched the ground and only lasted a moment on other surfaces. And it was too dark for the camera to catch more than white streaks. The creek was rough and I only saw a couple of hooded mergansers and a ring billed gull on the surface. A pelican and more gulls flew over.

The weather made the birds hungry. A female towhee visited but was very wary. Song and white throated sparrows, Carolina wrens, pine and yellow rumped warblers, downy woodpeckers, lots of chickadees, and some house finches all came for food.

I thought the snow had stopped around1pm, but it just became sporadic. A dove sat hunched facing into it. A squirrel brought an excavated nut to eat on a lawn chair. Juncos finally showed up when the snow tapered off. Cardinals too came out after the snow. The water calmed and more hoodies appeared. The day stayed dark and most of my photos were worthless.
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