More snow fell overnight but not enough to cover the ground as the temperature dipped into the 20
°s. Lots of heavy clouds made sunshine intermittent. Sparrows, wrens, and chickadees were up before it was fully light, and they were hungry. The downy woodpeckers came a little later. Cormorants were already fishing. Egrets joined them to pursue a school upstream.

Around 11am a pileated woodpecker landed on the post. Maybe it saw me, but it flew away immediately. I put hot water in the birdbath and that was popular. Egrets and pelicans clustered at the dam outfall. Cormorants and gulls joined them but I saw no ducks. The paper claimed that Chesapeake Bay water is above 50
° so even the creek must be a lot warmer than the air.

Juncos and doves joined the others in the afternoon. A mockingbird was back looking for mealworms. The fishing continued under a sky that seemed to grow more gray. A wren discovered the new glass feeder after I put mealworms in it.
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