I've seen a beautiful crescent moon at sunset the last two nights, first in Boston then back home. Clouds from the West overtook the sinking moon last evening but the sky was clear this morning. The temperature dropped overnight. A male downy was the first visitor. Song and white throated sparrows followed. Chickadees were the only regulars. Two doves and a junco arrived later.

Egrets and pelicans flew upstream. More egrets and a great blue heron fished along the banks. Cormorants, mallards and hooded mergansers were out on the creek which glowed with reflected sunlight. (All I saw during my time away was gulls.) Later the heron preened on top of the bulkhead. A squirrel crawled into the watering can till I could only see one hind foot and a tail - I'd better put some water in the birdbath.

No new birds showed up in the afternoon. Between the trees, I could see a windblown egret perched on the bulkhead.
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