The female red bellied woodpecker was back, to the frustration of the downy woodpeckers and the yellow rumped warblers. Sparrows were everywhere. All three of the regulars made an early appearance. A thin skin of ice floated on parts of the glassy creek. I put out half of a moldy clementine -the half that wasn't moldy.

When I got home for a late lunch, the creek was ice-free and the water was dancing in the sun. Buffleheads were fishing. Downy woodpeckers and yellow rumped warblers were busy with the suet except when K tended the grill.

Hooded mergansers were fishing in the late afternoon sun. A gull dived on this one, but pulled up when it saw the fish disappear down the duck's gullet. More gulls circled over the dam and cormorants joined the fishing. A great blue heron landed along the bank.
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