The creek iced overnight but bright sunshine started the melting again. The birds got up late. Titmice, pine and yellow rumped warblers, song and white throated sparrows, downy woodpeckers, Carolina wrens, and the regulars started visiting the feeders around 10am. I thought I glimpsed a junco, but if so it did not return. The squirrels were canoodling again.

The sky was hazy despite the sun, and the air was much warmer. All sign of snow was soon gone. At least four great blue herons flew North but I wasn't ready with the camera. Once the creek melted, I saw a few ducks, including a hoodie. On the lake above the dam (which I can now see) several shovelers went by.

I took a book to the library and when I returned I saw first one then a second cat. And there were feathers all over the patio. One cat was a tabby while the other was black and white. Meanwhile, the sun was setting through layers of
stratus cloud.
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