The day began overcast with not much activity, just sparrows. The creek refroze overnight. Around 10am the sun seemed to be burning through the clouds but by 11, a fine white ice was falling and melting. Before morning was over, it switched to big clumps of flakes, then settled in to snow. In the afternoon, the snow began to accumulate instead of melting.

Once the snow started, the birds got serious. K put out a fresh block of suet. Both kinds of warblers, downy woodpeckers, chickadees, and a Carolina wren were delighted. A male towhee tried to seize the seed feeder from a female cardinal. The sparrows, both song and white throat, also hopped on the sunflower cafe.
The wind grew gusty in the late afternoon as the snow quit. Then rain began and soon became heavy with the wind whipping it into the windows after dark.
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