The day was warmer than predicted. In the morning, a yellow crowned night heron hustled along the edge of the marsh grass. After that, I was gone until noon.

After lunch, insects were everywhere. Big reddish-bodied, clear-winged dragonflies patrolled over the pool, never perching. A big carpenter bee and a little ladybird beetle worked on the rue. Small bees and tiny flies were everywhere. A leaf footed bug hid in the azalea leaves. The cabbage whites perched on green leaves instead of flowers. An American lady butterfly preferred clover.

A great crested flycatcher landed in the dogwood. A male towhee whistled and I glimpsed him under the azaleas. A dove dozed in a spot of sun. Titmice and downy woodpeckers joined the feeder regulars. The cardinals were still courting. Hummers visited but didn't approve of the bent feeder.
The geese families made repeated sorties. A little green heron fished below the dam today. Clouds began to blow in around 6pm.
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