Two egrets disputed over who got to fish in the dam outfall. The Canada geese with four goslings put in an appearance. And the wretched husky got loose for the first time in several years and shook water all over our party preparations.
We ate lunch outside and I had left the camera at the other end of the house so I wouldn't be tempted to take photos instead of talking to company. A white breasted nuthatch came to the feeder at least five times while we ate. So frustrating! Woodpeckers and titmice were also hungry enough to come despite our presence. After we went inside, the towhee came back. About the time people began to arrive, a male goldfinch landed on the feeder post, but it didn't stay. Downy woodpeckers got up the courage to visit while the party was in full swing. The afternoon stayed dry with passing clouds. It got a bit buggy toward evening.
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