Downy woodpeckers came for breakfast. Then the dredge started up. Later on, I saw a
question mark butterfly land outside the window. It folded its wings and became a dead leaf. There were other butterflies around. I saw a tiger swallowtail, a painted lady, and I think a spring azure.

After lunch I spent time outside. The Christmas fern survived trampling when the window was installed last winter. A queen yellow jacket hunted for a home site. Two great crested flycatchers flew around, wheep-wheeping. A red-bellied woodpecker pounded on the oak. The house wren surveyed the yard from her porch. I rescued a bee from the water. And chased off goslings repeatedly.

A couple of male house finches tussled and while they were occupied, a male cardinal took over the feeder. There's a moral in that somewhere. The haze thickened and by the time the dredge crew quit the sky was white, darker to the East. But sunset turned gold.
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