Nothing but woodpeckers and egrets at breakfast. The sky stayed overcast all day.

At lunch, a couple of great crested flycatchers landed in the cherry. Carolina wrens came for mealworms. A titmouse joined the regulars and the woodpeckers for sunflower seeds. The cardinals continued to court and one male chased off the other. A queen yellow jacket looked for a spot to nest.

For most of the day, a snowy egret fished on the rocks at the dam outfall where its yellow
feet were no use. A great egret joined it. Laughing gulls fished in the wake of the dredge
barge. A yellow crowned night heron landed on the dock, but saw me. I was
trying to locate a chattering bird that sounded like a kingfisher but
higher pitched.
Seen but not photographed: a skink, a goldfinch, a great blue heron, and a hummer. The hummer turned up its beak at the feeder so we took it in for a cleaning. There were lots of green blueberries swelling.
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