The sky was blue but not crisp and the day was warm but not as hot as yesterday, with a gusty breeze. The geese started us off. There were two families and the pair with two small goslings was accompanied by a Muscovy duck. Dragonflies were everywhere. I saw a few butterflies, mainly cabbage, but a small blue and a colorful one that was probably an American lady.

Around mid morning a white breasted nuthatch began coming to the feeder. I was never ready for it and it did not linger so I only got one photo, and that of its back. Skinks came out at lunch time. A Carolina wren stopped in at the mealworm dish. A great crested flycatcher lurked in the sakaki. And a male blue dasher took up post on the garden stake.

Then we discovered a
swamp darner with a broken wing at the front door. A female goldfinch got a drink from the hummer feeder but the hummer
turned up her beak at it. So much for the Audubon seal of approval. A yellow crowned night heron walked across the dock.

A female blue dasher replaced the male on the stake. It was obelisking. A swallow passed over, also after flying insects. An emerald female pondhawk got away twice. Wasps and bees were ubiquitous as well. A black and gray bee may have been a
solitary leaf-cutter. I saw a wasp fly into the birdhouse but I didn't see it come out.

At supper, we had a Carolina wren again, the regulars, and under the cedar a brown thrasher.
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