A titmouse, a wren, and a woodpecker came to the feeder in addition to the usual seed eaters. I'm not sure what the wren was there for. A male hummer came and hovered over the freshly cleaned and refilled feeder but left without drinking. I do not understand! A dove foraged under the feeder. A little green heron landed on the dam outfall to see what the egret was doing.

There was sun in the early afternoon but the rain returned. A goose family hung around the yard. A chickadee poked into the wren house. During the sunshine, I saw a skink, a dragonfly and a small orange butterfly. A goldenrod soldier beetle crawled over the rue.

The rain stopped again for supper. An enormous crow landed on the mealworm feeder and nearly broke it. After it left, a male cardinal had to see what was so good. It seemed dubious. Then two Carolina wrens ate some more mealworms which, by this time, had been reconstituted by the rain. A titmouse ate sunflower seeds instead.
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