The two Carolina wrens came for mealworms. A downy joined the regulars for seeds. The fog lifted around the middle of the morning. Soft cumulus blended into blue without an edge.

Only the downy woodpeckers came to lunch. Afterward, I sat in the new front garden. A skink scampered into a drain hole. A butterfly stayed to distant to make out. Something left a crab claw in the mulch.

In the back yard, a very orange red admiral ( or
painted lady?) butterfly stayed out of focus. A house wren sat on its front perch for quite a while. One of the geese left a feather behind. Better that than goose poop. A yellow crowned night heron stalked along the spartina.
The clouds crowded out the sun and the air felt very humid. Then just before 3pm the rain hit. Thunder rumbled. It lasted about half an hour. Afterward, a Carolina wren poked through mulch at the far end of the pool. A bleary sun set and then the fog returned.
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