The morning sky was not hazy. I glimpsed a blue jay but got no picture. The goldfinch pair, however, posed for me. Downy woodpeckers were back for seeds. A crow watched an egret below the dam. Later, another egret fished along the spartina at the bottom of the yard. It seemed to be after very small fish and after the bird left I saw s school of fish disturbing the surface. We switched the two hummer feeders, putting the old one in back and the new out front.
The sky was ultrablue and mostly cloudless. But
tropical storm Bonnie was off the Georgia coast and predicted to bump
the coastline up to Hatteras by Thursday. Floating leaves and their reflections made interesting
Rorschach tests. Skinks hurried on their private business. One slipped into a crack but left its blue tailtip waving enticingly outside. A few butterflies were around, but all small. Crane flies mated on the window.
I watched the bees and wasps on the rue. The gray and black leafcutter bee was back and I got better pictures this time. A hummer balked when it saw us outside. Later it or another fed, but kept behind the post so I couldn't get a shot. A female cardinal was bolder, inching closer and finally hopping onto the feeder. Rather than follow, a chickadee poked at the mealworms but decided they weren't edible. A little green heron flew squawking overhead. Swallows chattered in the sky but were too fast for me. The hummer was back at twilight.
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