The male downy woodpecker discovered what the female had been up to and joined her on the seed feeder. They edged back and forth on the perch - I don't know if that was courting or intimidation. The house wren investigated the feeder too and all around the patio. A titmouse came out in the rain for seeds, along with the usual feeder birds. The dredge was right in front of us and the tide was up into the yard.

At noon the Carolina wren was contemplating mealworm soup, thanks to the rain. The woodpeckers were still stuffing themselves with seeds. The dredge was nearly out of sight and the tide had dropped a foot.

The rain let up in the afternoon and there were brief moments of sun. The dredge moved upstream out of sight before quitting time. An egret was fishing near the dock till the barge went by. A catbird hopped around in a dogwood.
At supper, titmice were back. The male downy was stared off the feeder perch by a female cardinal. The sky seemed to be clearing as the waterfowl flew home for the night, but fresh clouds blew in before dark.
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