Three squirrels were very active at breakfast. One surprised a titmouse. Another had a very rufous coat. Other than that, I saw wrens and the regulars. An egret landed by the dock and promptly stalked under it. I glimpsed an osprey but it kept going. A cabbage white flitted around the lawn. And I escorted off a pair of geese with no goslings in tow

It was sunny at lunchtime. Butterflies were out, both white and orange. Skinks were too. We saw a five lined adult and a little blue tailed skinklet. A buzzard soared over the creek.

The pool cover was taken off in the afternoon. Meanwhile, the dredge made the creek milky with stirred up silt. The geese spent considerable time preening it out of their feathers. Then, when my back was turned, they marched the goslings up the hill and into the pool. Of course they were too little to jump out again. I put the brick on the step and tried to herd them, but the geese kept calling their offspring away. So I left them to it and pretty soon all the goslings were back out.

In the late afternoon, dramatic clouds swept in. It was very warm, but no thunderstorm developed then. By supper time, the sky was fully overcast. After dark, the wind grew very loud and lightning flashed. According to radar, the line of thunderstorms stretched back down to Georgia.
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