The red bellied male watched from the cherry for a while before venturing out to the suet. White throats kicked mulch and argued over the seed feeder. They were glad of the hot water I poured in the birdbath. So were the wrens. Yes, there was ice. A blue jay was a glutton for mealworms. Downy woodpeckers got their share of suet. Again the butterbutt sat on the feeder perch like a dog in a manger.

When I got home in the afternoon the wrens were still feeding. So was the butterbutt. Buffleheads floated on the creek. A Muscovy duck occupied one of the turtles' favorite logs. The turtles crowded onto the other. Toward evening, they were replaced by egrets catching the last rays.
Hummingbirds are beginning to move North according to this
map of sightings. I may need to put out a feeder next week.
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