At lunch, downy woodpeckers were working on the suet which was disappearing fast. In the afternoon, I saw wood ducks and shovelers on the lake, and buffleheads on the creek. By then the sky had gone gray.
When I went to McDonald's it was overcast and misting a bit and the breeze chilled. As I thought, I did not have to contend with many other shoppers. Since the fancy, new petunia cultivar I got there last year survived the winter, I got another, red this time. The other was purple. I bought what claimed to be a red ice plant. The purple one I got many years ago, I cloned all over the front and back mulch beds. But it finally died out. I also got seeds and bulbs. I did not find either chionodoxa or fuchsia. which were what I really wanted. But they had amazing hanging baskets of nepenthes pitcher plants.

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