The sky was cloudy but not overcast. At breakfast, the creek was glassy smooth. The male pine warbler was up early. White throats followed soon after. It was a while before the yellow rumped warbler arrived to claim ownership of the suet. A Carolina wren was more interested in mealworms.

Buffleheads paraded at lunch. An osprey circled and hovered. A pelican plunged into the creek just upstream behind trees. Later a pair of buffleheads preened and looked very silly.

Then a couple of goldfinches visited the seed feeder. They were beginning to shift plumage from winter to summer, so I can't be sure but I think one was male and one female. The pine warbler showed up later, as if to show how different two yellow birds could look.

Bumble and carpenter bees nectared on the rosemary but I didn't see any honeybees. I guess they have better flowers to visit in the Spring. I did see a tiger swallowtail, flitting around the cherry, probably laying eggs.

The red bellied and downy woodpeckers appeared in the afternoon. So did a titmouse. At least one Carolina wren excavated a space and moved into the hanging petunia pot on the front patio.
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