The sky was overcast and the light poor at breakfast. The male red bellied woodpecker traded with the female for time on the suet. Still, a nuthatch slipped in and got some suet. White throats were everywhere, as usual. The clouds broke up by the time I was leaving and cleared off before I returned home.
At lunch time the red bellies were still working on the suet. When K scared them off by coming outside, a pine warbler got to eat some too. The temperature hovered just under 70, but a breeze felt chilly despite the warm sun.

After lunch I went looking for a place to put the new birdhouse. A butterbutt followed me around. The first branch I tried flung the house down the hill. I fetched it back but decided to wait to hang the house. Downy woodpeckers took over the suet. Crows executed aerial maneuvers.
A couple of egrets perched on the snags by the lake. Buffleheads paddled and dived on the creek. Then I had to leave for the evening meeting. Wispy clouds were beginning to gather.
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