I woke up unaided at the new time, which was a bit unnerving. The early hour and overcast sky made photos blurry. The birdbath was frozen, however the possible snow failed to materialize. Even though the birds got fed earlier, the wren was already waiting. White throats soon discovered that I had tossed out some butter bark balls. I figured they needed extra calories. And I added water to the birdbath which did not refreeze. The butterbutt brooded over the water when it was evicted from the suet.
Titmice were hungry for seeds and woodpeckers for suet. Juncos reappeared from where ever they've been hiding through the warm days. The red bellied woodpecker brought her boyfriend for suet and the make downy woodpecker was outraged.

A heron glided to a landing below the dam. I saw an osprey sail overhead. Buffleheads paddled and dived. Pelicans spent the day on the creek where it was a bit warmer than out on more open water. I saw the grebe again toward evening. Then three ducks flew overhead in a mating chase. Two more ducks left impressive wakes and I only realized when they were almost out of sight that they were wood ducks.

Finally in the early afternoon, the cloud cover broke up and dispersed. A wren, for some reason, perched on the brick wall. Later as the light level was dropping, the pine warbler showed up.
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