As I went to get the newspaper, I saw a yellow bellied sapsucker hopping around the pecan tree. A song and a white throated sparrow came for breakfast. Then I had to leave for an appointment. The sky was hazy and the day breezy, so despite the sun and the warmth, it was not quite shirtsleeve weather.

Around noon, I saw a palamedes swallowtail, a spring azure, and of course cabbage whites. Honey and bumblebees were thinck around the rosemary. A bufflehead and later a grebe, I think, were all I saw on the water, except boaters. The two Carolina wrens seemed to be up to something - one stood guard atop the mealworm dish hanger while the other scurried all over. Eventually one kicked the butterbutt off the suet.

Later the warbler managed to share suet with a downy woodpecker. A titmouse replaced the butterbutt, which the woodpecker found objectionable. The wind dried out the birdbath, so I added water which soon attracted a small flock of sparrows.
After dark when I bricked the feeder, the moon looked round, though the full moon is not till Sunday. According to the newspaper, the high was 74
°F, not a record.
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