The water in the birdbath was frozen. The temperature of the Chesapeake Bay has been rising and had already passed 50
°F so it's no surprise that the creek wasn't iced. The day was cold but sunny and not so windy, so I got a lot of photos to sort through. First up was a song sparrow wanting to know why the mealworm dish was empty. Carolina wrens complained as well. Then the dark faced butterbutt had to have a look. They were all so pathetic that K went out and bought more mealworms.

The titmouse and downy woodpecker stuck to the suet. Nuthatches ate suet too but always left with a seed. The white throats were all over, as usual. I missed a blue jay that was too fast for the camera. And I got only a fuzzy glimpse of a brilliant yellow bird.

Pelicans sought the creek and flew low. A wood duck pair paddled around the creek instead of the lake. An osprey was harassed by a crow. The winter migrants: buffleheads, hooded mergansers, and ruddy were all out on the creek at different times. I didn't see any ducks on the lake though there were turtles again. A great blue heron monitored the creek from the North side. A pair of mallards fooled me as they hid in the spartina. A dark duck defeated my efforts to get a photo. Gulls had a great time dancing in the air.
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