The Carolina wrens were busy at breakfast. White throated sparrows bathed. I was too busy to notice much else. During a late lunch, I saw a yellow rump and a male pine warbler, white throats, downy woodpeckers, and the wrens again.

Later in the afternoon, haze muted the sunshine and a breeze tempered the warmth. Turtles basked along the lake edge. The tide was very low in the creek. A cabbage white ignored the wind. A Polistes wasp harvested some wood pulp from the bench. The blueberry blossoms hummed with bees. Violets, an iris, coral honeysuckle, and most of the azaleas were beginning to bloom.

A pelican crashed into the water where cormorants were fishing. I think it got their fish. It had a dark neck that indicated it was ready for breeding. I glimpsed a kingfisher who saw me too and flew away. Gulls and crows wrestled with the wind. A heron flew over the house. Another perched on a channel marker. Buffleheads appeared to be pairing up.

The male red bellied woodpecker worked on the end of an oak limb that had been pruned years ago. The wrens and the downy woodpeckers kept an eye on me while I was outside. A song sparrow chirped under the rosemary. I came in because the haze got thicker and I missed the sun's warmth.
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