The morning rain turned to sleet then snow around 10am. It couldn't stick because everything was a bit too warm. And by 11am all forms of precipitation had mostly stopped. But most of the pictures I took during the morning were ruined by the water on the windows.

I saw a couple of buffleheads and a heron on the creek. White throated sparrows were too hungry to be stopped by rain or snow. However, they fought over the seed feeder. The butterbutt braved weather too. A downy woodpecker came once the snow started. A titmouse slipped through to get a sunflower seed. The wrens resorted to suet because we still didn't put out mealworms. Then a female cardinal took over the seed feeder and refused to share.

At lunch, a couple of starlings showed up for suet. Robins scurried around once the rain stopped. And then a junco tackled the suet, something I've rarely seen before. A nuthatch tried to dodge the butterbutt to get some suet. Blue jays flitted through the trees. The colorless gray warbler returned for suet and that wretched butterbutt attacked it.

By mid afternoon the sun was shining. An egret and a heron shared a snag on the lake while a cormorant perched on a lower log. Pelicans flew over the creek as the sun returned. Then two hoodie pairs paddled across the water. The two wrens shared the suet and then a pine warbler had some.
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