It was still fairly warm when I got up, but the temperature was headed down. I saw a carpenter bee stuffed headfirst into a jessamine blossom. Some of the blueberry buds were open. during breakfast I saw pelicans flying low over the creek. Sparrows, wrens, downy woodpeckers, and yellow rumped warblers joined me for breakfast. There was a face-off between two female cardinals. A squirrel ate dogwood buds. The day started gray and rain followed by 9am.

Around noon the wind kicked up. Gusts roared and pushed furniture around. I heard a loud bang and found a white throat had crashed into the glass and broken its neck. Other sparrows and chickadees pecked at something in the camellia and azalea - bugs? A nuthatch tried to ride the bucking suet cage. A titmouse and a pine warbler came for lunch.

A female kingfisher rested on the dock piling. There were buffleheads on the creek. The geese that had been resting above the bulkhead across the creek got excited about something. There was a lot of wing flapping and honking and chasing. Pretty soon they were all in the creek. I saw a pelican get tossed around when it ventured above tree height. The wind blew holes in the clouds and cleared the sky by mid afternoon. Cormorants gathered on the dead snags by the lake till something startled them all at once.
When I went out for the mail as the last glow faded in the West, the moon was bright and stars were visible. But by 7pm fresh clouds were blowing East, veiling and revealing the moon by turns.
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