It was quiet at breakfast till a blue jay and a brown thrasher came for mealworms. We put out fresh hummer juice before we left and a female found it. I had to chase goslings several times. I saw a
mock strawberry in the grass (AKA snakeberry, Indian strawberry,
Duchesnea indica) and learned that it is not a native but rather an invasive. Who knew?!

Titmice were up by lunch time. An egret watched the water flowing out of the lake. A couple of doves foraged in the mulch. In the afternoon, I saw an odd looking duck, possibly a female wood duck. An osprey and a couple of swallows flew over the creek. A male towhee whistled piercingly, but kept behind foliage and kept flitting around. Two song sparrows hopped around the birdbath. A house wren sang for an hour then sneaked up on the rosemary. A downy woodpecker dithered over visiting the seed feeder.

Cabbage whites and one little blue butterfly, a few dragonflies, and the
first beetle rescue of the season all escaped my camera. I also fished out a
banded tiger moth that may have been dead. The little orb weaver spider was still waiting inside the iris. An
earwig wrapped itself up in a hackberry leaf. A stinkbug landed on the window. I saw an
adult skink but no blue tails.
At supper, a third titmouse tried to join the two that have been coming but was scolded and chased away. A great blue heron lurked by the dam outfall. Fireflies were flashing at dusk.