It was still overcast and wet, but the light was better. The ant-moat rain-gauge was nearly full. Titmice and cardinals competed for seeds. One male cardinal chased the other away from the feeder. Downy woodpeckers sought a turn.

An osprey circled under the clouds. As I walked past a window (without the camera) I saw a pair of mallards and a shoveler drake along the edge of the creek. The mallards got out and marched up into the yard, but the shoveler stayed in the water. Maybe it was lonely since the other shovelers migrated. K saw a hummer at the front feeder but it didn't stay.

After escaping the rain outside, an earwig drowned in a vase of flowers. The bluebirds never stopped their trips to and from the nest box. Geese kept bringing their goslings to visit. At 7pm, the sun finally escaped the cloud cover.
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