I was off early to a meeting and didn't see anything in the yard till late morning. By then it was pleasantly warm, but too breezy for comfort. A female amberwing clung to a leaf. A larger dragonfly eluded me. I startled a hummingbird moth that was hidden under the gardenia. I saw it flying a few days ago but wasn't sure what I was seeing. Then I went crazy trying to photograph a tiger swallowtail.

A titmouse played peek-a-boo with me. Two grackles poked around and startled the brown thrasher that had been serenading me. The thrasher came right back, ready to take them on. A female hummer settled on her feeder. Later, a female would not perch so I think it may have been a different bird.
By 2pm the sunshine had become intermittent and heavy clouds rolled out of the West. A heron staked out the dam outfall. About ten minutes later a couple of geese were followed by a Muscovy duck along the bank below the dam. A little while after that an egret took over.

The female goldfinch was back for a drink, followed by the male. The titmouse brought a friend. Cardinals chased off intruders. Bluebirds were hard at work in the front yard. There was a brief rain around 4pm that was not in the forecast. After that the clouds were fewer.
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