It was still hot, and sticky, most of the day. An egret monitored the dam outfall. A song sparrow hopped around the mulch. A blue jay raided the mealworm dish for gifts to take courting. It appeared that blue jays are just like cardinals in this respect. Hummers were happy with fresh juice in cleaned feeders.

Swallows and dragonflies indicated that there were lots of small insects flying. But they were very hard to photograph on the wing. An osprey was not much easier. After lunch, I was on the phone when I saw a snake swimming beside the dock. I got the camera ready as fast as I could, but not fast enough. Also fish kept leaping out of the water and I would see something making a bow wave from under the surface, but I could not tell what. Canada geese paraded their goslings everywhere.

I saw a few butterflies, including a black swallowtail in the rue. Most of the dragonflies were great blue skimmers. I sat too close to one and it tried to steal a perch from another. After a mid-air argument, they shared the perch. The orb spider was still in the iris.

I went down to the dock to investigate a bird that has been making a very loud buzzy call. Whatever it was, it was across the creek. I saw a jellyfish and more dragonflies, but no birds. The pool was full of critters. A glass snail was floating as were beetles. I rescued several spiders and a wasp. Then a storm blew out of the NW. Clouds gathered for about an hour before the rain began at 6pm. It got very dark before the rain, but grew lighter once the rain was falling.
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