The very first bird I saw this morning was a house wren sitting on the feeder post peering nearsightedly at the yard. Then a downy woodpecker came for seeds. A pair of goldfinches drank from the ant moat.

A drama unfolded at the dam outfall. A great blackback gull had something to eat and a great blue heron stood by and watched, which annoyed the gull. Then a crow arrived and added to the tension. An egret walked past, staying out of the drama.
As I was getting ready to leave, I saw a black rat snake along the edge of the pool deck but by the time I got to my camera it had disappeared. I went outside to look for it and instead listened to a brown thrasher, or maybe a mockingbird, singing in the oak. I never saw it but I glimpsed a towhee that had been whistling. A huge bee worked on the rue.

When I came back, I saw the bluebirds carrying food to the box. Meanwhile chattering swallows zipped across the sky. Lots of dragonflies also zoomed across the yard but I could not get a decent picture. And the pool was opened in the afternoon!
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