Titmice came for breakfast and a drink. The neighbors' magnolia had a couple of blossoms. The clematis was finished and the jasmine was beginning to bloom. All the potted plants seemed to be doing well. After lunch, I saw a crow harassing a buzzard, which was just mean.

It has been clear that the parent birds were carrying food to the nest box, so the eggs must have hatched. Today I could hear the cheeping when a parent arrived. I hope they are not feeding a cowbird! Anyway, mid afternoon, I sat on the front patio and took pictures of what the parents were bringing. One beak-full was clearly a spider.

Just as I was about to leave for an evening meeting, a goose family came up the back yard headed toward the pool. I got a couple of pictures before K evicted them. Sunset was red with streaky clouds and the moon rose behind wisps of mist.
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